First Fridays with Raj: SOP Culture – Creating OBVIOUS SOPs
November 6, 2015 at 10:00am
I hope you will join me for “First Fridays with Raj” where I conduct a webinar on topics to help us become better MSPs. The first Friday in November, I will be discussing the creation of “obvious” SOPs.
Are you creating “obvious” SOPs? By “obvious”, I am referring to the standard steps that most techs would consider a no-brainer, such as “how to setup Printer 15 on OSX” or “how to redirect email for ex-employees to a new hire”. Without a doubt, any tech should be able to do this work. However, without proper documentation for even standard, obvious processes, the result can be downtime, staff frustration and wasted $$.
The RECORDING is available at
(917) 685 -7731