
Throughout more than a quarter century in the IT industry — 20 of which while running Brainlink, a Managed Services Provider (MSP) — Raj Goel noticed time and time again how MSPs continue to make the same mistakes over and over, without a clue as to how to fix them for good. Service quality fluctuates from technician to technician, as do skill sets and knowledge gaps, making for an inconsistent service across an MSP’s client base.

That’s why Raj developed the award-winning Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Culture in order to change MSPs for the better. SOP Culture is the proven way to document any given process in an MSPs’ operation, from macro tasks like budget development, to daily rudimentary duties like sales pitches. As a culture, SOPs will replace the need for strategy by dictating how each and every task is performed in the name of your business.

Once properly implemented, it isn’t long before these standardized processes become second nature to your brand new hires and experienced veterans alike. The benefits of SOP Culture will radiate throughout your business, allowing you to achieve assured quality control, greater return on investment, and a better use of your resources.

Don’t want to take our word for it? SOP Culture was awarded SmartCEO’s Culture Award just last year, but if that’s not proof enough, find out more for yourself:

Reach out to Raj right away at (917) 685-7731 or raj@brainlink.com to see what SOP Culture will do for your MSP.




(917) 685_-7731