As important as technology is, it’s not a business’s greatest investment; a business’ greatest investment is in its people. The time and resources your business spends on interviewing, hiring, a[…]
Do you know about the Project Board, and do you actually use it? Over the last two years, SOPCulture has worked with more than 2,000 MSPs worldwide, performing an informal survey of ConnectWise user[…]
Computer Masters Plus uses SOP Culture to fill the gap in their service delivery Computer Masters Plus is a Managed IT Services Provider operating in the Oklahoma and Texas area. Since 2006, Comput[…]
As important as technology is, it’s not a business’s greatest investment; a business’ greatest investment is in its people. The time and resources your business spends on interviewing, hiring, a[…]
If you look at any type of documentation, crack open Apple, or Microsoft, or whoever, the classic model is it looks more like a textbook. There’s a chapter heading, a lot of text, maybe a table. […]
Let’s get back to the basics by answering the question – “What is an SOP?” 1. SOP – Standard Operating Procedure o It’s how you do something repeatedly, without deviation or failure […]
Raj shared the secrets of his success recently in an interview with Owen McGab Enaohwo, co-founder of In this Episode You will Discover: How Raj was able to create systems[…]
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